Adopt a Pet Day at Hartville MarketPlace

Adopt a Pet Day at Hartville MarketPlace

Join longtime Fox 8 Cleveland weatherman, Dick Goddard, as he visits Hartville MarketPlace and Flea Market from 10a-3p on June 16th to promote one of his most Dick Goddard Adopt-a-Pet Day, Hartville Elevator Sponsorfavorite events at the Flea Market, Adopt a Pet Day.

The Flea Market will donate space to several animal shelters and rescue facilities and in turn they will bring with them many loving animals in need of a good home. Visit HMP & FM and give a new, loving home to an animal in need.

Adopt a Pet Day on Saturday, June 16 is proudly sponsored by Hartville Elevator Co, a local feed supplier, and Hartville Hardware.  Hartville Elevator Co has been serving the Hartville Elevator, Hartville, OhioHartville area for over 100 years. Visit our sponsor tents and Dick Goddard June 16th on this great day to enjoy the family fun and shopping with an added bonus for animal lovers everywhere.



Be sure not to miss this philanthropic event!
For more information, call 330-877-9860 or visit

Hartville MarketPlace & Flea Market, Hartville, Ohio

About Megan

Megan is a small business enthusiast and the tourism coordinator for Discover Hartville. You'll find her most days at Best Bib and Tucker, her family's Hartville shop. She is a life-long learner, connoisseur of tasty things, and loves sharing all of the amazing places to visit in Lake Township.