Extreme Music Bingo

Maize Valley Winery & Craft Brewery 6193 Edison St NE, Hartville, OH, United States

The latest in fun, only at Maize Valley. FREE to play. Everyone gets a Bingo card, we play 30 second clips of a song, if you have that song on your card, you mark it. First one to yell BINGO, gets a prize. Every Wednesday and Friday evening from 6 – 8 pm.

Extreme Music Bingo

Maize Valley Winery & Craft Brewery 6193 Edison St NE, Hartville, OH, United States

The latest in fun, only at Maize Valley. FREE to play. Everyone gets a Bingo card, we play 30 second clips of a song, if you have that song on your card, you mark it. First one to yell BINGO, gets a prize. Every Wednesday and Friday evening from 6 – 8 pm.

Hartville Sports Card Show

Hartville MarketPlace & Flea Market 1289 Edison St NW, Hartville, OH, United States

There will be over 30 vendors at the Hartville Sports Card Show. Each selling sports cards, memorabilia, autographs, and so much more! For the entry level collector to the seasoned veteran, this show will have something for everyone! This show is free general admission and will be located in the food court at the Hartville […]

Live Music @ Maize

Maize Valley Winery & Craft Brewery 6193 Edison St NE, Hartville, OH, United States

Maize Valley offers free live music every Saturday night from 6 – 8:30 pm.  Music is indoors in the winter or any night of inclement weather – summertime music will be outside.  For a schedule of musical entertainment please click here.

Second Saturday Live Music

Front Porch Café 940 W Maple St, Hartville, OH, United States

Join Front Porch Cafe for LIVE MUSIC nights every 2nd Saturday of the month. Make weekend plans to hear local artists over your favorite food & drinks from our full menu! EXTENDED HOURS every 2nd Sat, 6:30am to 10pm! Music starts at 7pm. See you there! Saturday, March 8th: Open Mic Night! Sign up here frontporchcafehartville.com/livemusic […]

Concert: Scott Schlegel, Classical Guitarist

Uniontown United Methodist Church 13370 Cleveland Ave NW, Uniontown, OH, United States

Scott Schlegel, Classical Guitarist returns to the Concert Series at Uniontown United Methodist Church as he soothes your soul with the romantic sounds of the classical guitar! Be sure to bring your friends and family to this one! Come for the concert, beginning at 4pm; stay for the fellowship and enjoy our light refreshments afterwards!

Q&A + Create: Quilting with Linda Miler

Lake Community Branch Library 565 Market Ave SW, Uniontown, OH, United States

Ever wanted to learn how to quilt, but not sure where to begin?  Have all your questions answered by a master of the craft and try it yourself with a small project. Register Online. Linda Miller started making quilts when her first child was born in 1986 and has used quilting as a type of […]

Extreme Music Bingo

Maize Valley Winery & Craft Brewery 6193 Edison St NE, Hartville, OH, United States

The latest in fun, only at Maize Valley. FREE to play. Everyone gets a Bingo card, we play 30 second clips of a song, if you have that song on your card, you mark it. First one to yell BINGO, gets a prize. Every Wednesday and Friday evening from 6 – 8 pm.

St. Patrick’s Day: History, Legends & Customs

Lake Community Branch Library 565 Market Ave SW, Uniontown, OH, United States

Jim Knight will share historical details about Bishop Patrick and recite some St. Patrick's writings and traditions. Come get in the spirit of your favorite day in March! Register Online.

Extreme Music Bingo

Maize Valley Winery & Craft Brewery 6193 Edison St NE, Hartville, OH, United States

The latest in fun, only at Maize Valley. FREE to play. Everyone gets a Bingo card, we play 30 second clips of a song, if you have that song on your card, you mark it. First one to yell BINGO, gets a prize. Every Wednesday and Friday evening from 6 – 8 pm.