Gift Tag Class at Best Bib and Tucker Handmade Market

Gift Tag Class at Best Bib and Tucker Handmade Market

nov 14th card classGet a jump on your holiday wrapping as Amy from Crazy Beautiful Crafts leads us through a paper crafting class! You’ll make two gift tags and two three dimensional gift card holders.

No previous card making or stamping necessary. Class fee $12 (or free with a $15 purchase from Amy). Refreshments and BBT shopping coupons for all participants. Come early to shop!

Please register by Monday November 11th in store, by calling 330-877-3308, or online:

About Megan

Megan is a small business enthusiast and the tourism coordinator for Discover Hartville. You'll find her most days at Best Bib and Tucker, her family's Hartville shop. She is a life-long learner, connoisseur of tasty things, and loves sharing all of the amazing places to visit in Lake Township.