The Kelly Miller Circus is on its way to Hartville! Join in as they celebrate their 75th anniversary with four spectacular shows.
Schedule of Events
Thursday, August 1st
- 8:00am Hartville MarketPlace
Tent Raising Breakfast
On the cart:
Breakfast Burrito- steak, egg, and cheese (feeds 2) $5
Sausage Biscuit with Cheese $3
Water/Juice $1
MarketPlace (inside) special: Biscuits and Gravy with coffee or juice $2.50 - 8:30am Tent Raising by Elephant Power (weather permitting)
This free event is open to the public and includes a behind the scenes look at the circus and a preview of the evenings’ performances.
- 4:30pm Showtime
7:30 Showtime
Friday, August 2nd
- 4:30pm Showtime
- 5:00pm Lions Club Chicken BBQ
Hartville Kitchen parking lot - 7:30pm Showtime
Spend the whole day DISCOVERING HARTVILLE! Click here for a printable map.
Remember SR 619 is closed in Green. Check here for a few alternate routes.
Do you have your tickets yet?
Pre-sale tickets are available through July 31st at Clearwater Park,VitaNet, and Hartville Hardware, and through July 29th at Hartville MarketPlace.
Adult tickets are $10 and children ages 2-11 are $6 (babies on laps are free).
On circus day prices are $15 for adults and $7 for children.
Tickets can be upgraded to ringside seats for $2/ea on circus day at tent raising or before the show.