Special events abound at Lake Library this spring. Visit the library’s website for additional events and storytimes.
Saturday, March 22nd
Explore History with an American Girl
Grades 2-5
Visit the privileged world of Samantha Parkington (1904). Play games, make a craft, and sample food from that era. Registration is requested. Register online or call 330.877.9975.
Tuesday, April 1st
Pysanky Egg Decorating
Adults, 5:30-7:30pm
Only one spot remains for this always sold out class. Learn the art of Ukranian egg decorating. Sponsored by the Lake Friends of the Library. Registration is required. Register online or call 330.877.9975. A second class will be held Wednesday, April 2nd. Register here.
Saturday, April 5th
2nd Annual Animal Appreciation Day
The mobile veterinary clinic, RASCAL Unit will be there performing low cost spay/neuter surgeries while local rescues, animal related artists and products/services will be available for visitors.
Tuesday, April 8th
Learn About Herb Gardening
Adults, 6-7:30pm
Learn everything you need to know about herbs in your garden with Jan Becker, master gardener and owner of Becker Herb Farm. Registration is requested. Register online or call 330.877.9975.
Saturday, April 26th
7th Annual Plant Swap
Got a green thumb? Need to thin your garden? Come and acquire new plants for free. No registration required.